About Us

Even though this business is small, it has big meaning for us. The inspiration behind the name stems from two of my most cherished passions. During my time residing in northern Idaho, I developed a deep admiration for eagles. Additionally, the inclusion of the word "Storm" pays homage to my beloved canine companion, Stormy, who was rescued from Hurricane Matthew.

Eagles use storm winds to propel themselves to greater heights, which became motivational to me. Many obstacles such as chronic illness kept this business just a dream for so many years, but along my path of healing I kept reminding myself that one day it could still be a reality. The idea of making items that could be given as gifts to bring people joy subsequently brought me great joy. If you purchase from our small business as a gift for yourself or for another person you are supporting us to grow this dream & we thank you.

If you are going through a storm period in your life please remember: "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

There's still much more to our story and journey so stay tuned for updates. 

We appreciate your support,

Darby & Stormy